Wednesday, August 12, 2009

6 trophies this weekend

Here is my art shot from the Hallet round of the CMRA mini sprints and endurance weekend. The trip was uneventful though long (about 1500 miles with a side trip through Plano to pick up a rider and an unplanned side trip after following Google Map instead my instinct) and hot around 100 degrees. Oklahoma is a very spread out state with long areas between cities, they must be afraid of an attack from Texas. It has been over a decade since I went there and crashed a lot on the then recently installed sealer strips of gooey asphalt which ran in line with the track. They have since repaved the track leaving what looked like a pretty good time for a 250 rip. The races were good with Alan Philips winning the formula 4 race with a fastest lap of a 1:34 on the rentmyninja rented by Zeb Harris and his dad. Zeb was running the brake away pace with Jess Foltz (the eventual winner) until he fell moving JD Mosley up to second place giving him his first trophy of the day. His other trophy came from the third overall in the 3 hour mini endurance. His team mate and father Jimmy came from niceville Florida and ran a steady race to beat 14 of 16 formula 4 entries and 28 entries overall. Zebs earlier crash affected their endurance race with them ending up in 7th overall. Joey Howell got his second trophy in two outings with his 3rd place finish in E superstock. These trophies combined with the 2 that Charles J. won in clubman and E superstock at the WERA cycle jam in Virginia make a total of 6 trophies in one weekend, not too shabby!!
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